Can't wait for minimalist clothing

<enter Tarzan clip here>

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Sep 14Liked by Jamie Northrup

I was thinking about Smashwords, but I'll look into Publish Drive now. I won't use KDP unless I have no choice. Amazon screwed all Canadians from digital comics with BS over 3 years ago.

It's not even a blip on their radar, but my books will go wide first.

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Thank you for introducing me to this

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A bit off topic I saw an author I follow (5 million sales) publish his books on apple google etc for a month before adding them to kindle.

At that point he takes them down.

this helps him get a lot of reach he wouldn’t normally get.

Another question…. Any issues with publishing on Gumroad? Or don’t Amazon count that as a rival platform?

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I published my first book on ~50 different stores including Amazon, Google Play, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Gumroad, etc. 99% of my sales came from Amazon and Gumroad, so I've decided to focus there for these minimalist books, I have plans to launch a bigger book next year or the year after, then I may try going wider.

As long as you aren't using KDP Select, you can publish anywhere else you want with no issues.

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I use KDP select…

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Then you can’t publish it digitally anywhere else (not your blog, website, Gumroad, other marketplaces), but you can still publish it as a paperback or audiobook on other platforms.

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Yeah, that’s why I use Google Drive for my newsletter subscribers 😀

I thought you might have found a loophole 🙃

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To be honest, I should test KDP Select but I doubt it will make me as much as Gumroad does.

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haha not that kind of minimalist, although you could definitely do that.

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